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RF Explorer 240-960MHz Expansion Module RFEMWSUB1G
RFEMWSUB1G is an Expansion Module for certain RF Explorer modules. It can be plugged in your RF Explorer unit to extend the coverage to the 240-960 MHz frequency band. It gets attached internally to the RF Explorer main board and has a second antenna connector to cover the new band.
You can combine any RF Explorer model with any Expansion Module you wish, note some units already have an expansion module fitted, so cannot have an additional module fitted without removing it first. The firmware will correctly recognise your configuration and will work in all cases. Assembling an Expansion Module to your RF Explorer is very easy, check this article for more details and contact us if you need additional information.
RF Explorer RFEMWSUB1G Expansion Module supplied parts.
- Easy to plug in your RF Explorer unit, compatible with all models except COMBO versions.
- Extend band coverage to all popular sub-1GHz ISM bands, including 315MHz, 433MHz, 868MHz and 915MHz, also including UHF TV, 70cm and 33cm HAM radio, etc. Any frequency from 240MHz to 960MHz is covered.
- Extend internal FLASH and RAM memory for additional capabilities.
- Important: Note this unit does not include RF Generator functionality, only Spectrum Analyser functionality is available.
- Frequency band coverage: 240-960 MHz
- Standard SMA 50 Ohm connector, a matching antenna is included
- 50 Ohm wideband Nagoya NA-773 telescopic antenna included
- Note: All 2.4GHz models support now an extended frequency band from 2350 to 2550MHz by a simple firmware upgrade to v1.08 or newer.
- Note: WSUB1G and WSUB3G models can work with frequency span higher than 100MHz (up to 600MHz) by a simple firmware upgrade to v1.11 or newer.
- (**) Note some frequency ranges may have a more limited, lower measurable range. Please contact us for more details on a particular frequency range if you need to measure input power close to -10dBm. In all cases, using a 20 or 30dB attenuator is suggested in order to lower the input power to a -30 or -40dBm range, as it will exhibit better behaviour by limiting spurious and signal overload. If you use an attenuator, you also improve the VSWR of the measurement and can be adjusted in OffsetDB parameter of RF Explorer ATTENUATOR MENU in order to read the exact value on screen, saving you from doing any math.