V4P Power Supply for Amplifiers
The V4P (virtual four pole) power supply board is designed to run various types of kit amplifiers or do-it-yourself amplifiers. It can also be used for many other power supply purposes. Great for Home Cinema installations, from 4 channels up to 8 channels. It includes a DC noise filter and SoftStart circuitry.

V4P 8-module power supply.
- 68,000uF Low Impedance capacitors, connected in a V4P network.
- Ultra Fast Recovery (25nS) rectifiers.
- Soft Start Circuit.
- DC Filter (prevents transformer hum).
- On Board Gate Driver Regulator.
- One Module Does it All.

Simplified principal of operation.
Power Supply Principal of Operation
Here you can see the principle of V4P networked capacitors. All capacitors are synchronously charged or discharged and none of the capacitors exchange charging currents. Every capacitor equivalent series resistance is about 10 milliOhms but the combined series resistance to the neighbouring capacitor is about 200 milliOhms. So no capacitor can exchange current with the others.
The 8 ultra fast rectifiers are placed on small separate heat sinks for better regulation. The SoftStart relay circuit enforces a slow cut in to the mains grid, avoiding stress to the rectifiers, switches and capacitor banks. A large value capacitor is used as a DC blocking capacitor, it prevents DC components from the mains supply from reaching the primary winding of the main transformer, where it would cause hum.
Construction Tips
Connection of the V4P power supply is quite straightforward as the board has it all! Obviously care must be take as you are working with mains wiring, so ensure all wiring is double checked and suitable earthing and precautions are take. An example is shown with an amplifier module below.
We recommend a transformer of 2 X 42V AC secondary, 500VA to drive 4 amp modules and two 500VA's for 5 to 8 channels. Transformers are not included, you will need to supply them yourself.

Connection of a example amplifier module to power supply. (Not included.)

Connection of the V4P power supply and mains, transformer and accessories not included.