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Railway - Trains
Railway and Train Speaker Systems
Suburban, national and international passenger and freight rail can benefit from Visaton's experience with loudspeaker technology, from keeping the driver entertained with their favourite music to important passenger announcements, warnings and even background music. There is sure to be a speaker to suit.

Shanghai's new Transrapid magnetic levitation train with Visaton.
Features include:
- Suitable in all types of rail vehicles, inside and out and including railway stations (see also PA speakers).
- Slim drivers where mounting depth is an issue.
- Small but voice optimised drivers.
- Round, oval, fullrange or 2-way speakers.
- Suitable protection grilles.

French TGV (and German ICE) trains are fitted with Visaton.
For more details and suggestions for your special application, quantity pricing, certifications and more, please contact us.